Aai Tuljabhavani Chowk
Aai Tuljabhavani Chowk conjures up images of a temple dedicated to the deity Bhavani - the demon slayer, killer of Mahishasura. One would also imagine that this chowk would be located in Tuljapaur, where the original temple lies. But then you are mistaken. It lies here, in the city. One can be sure that not many residents living in the buildings built around the chowk are also aware of it's location. It is that nondescript, well, almost. Located facing the chowk stands a cafe. It is an average cafe, serving good (premium) coffee (which can never match the essence of the Filter coffee, but good coffee, nevertheless) The patrons are mostly struggling actors or some established TV actors too. If you are a follower of some of the popular TV soaps on air, you might have a good time spotting Dr. Nidhi sipping her cappuccino after her tiring shift at the Kotnis hospital. The seating is comfortable and apart from the mini-celebs there are many friendly faces around. Prett...