The Trainspotter
“A skinny cat slinked in the shadows of the lane that ran by my small house. I was observing it one moment and then following it the next. It was too nimble for me but I kept chasing it. My only motive was to catch up with the cat, so that I could….I could do what? Why was I running behind the poor cat, I had no idea but I had no time to think, I had to catch up with the cat. Everything around me was a fuzzy mass of sepia and black. I had no idea where I was, I was just following the cat. Where was it headed? It did not matter. Wait for me, Mr. Cat. Was it a tomcat? How could I tell? It was too dark and the cat was too fast. The cat was now crawling, wait a minute, it was a baby crawling very fast and now the baby was growing up and it was running. Now I really couldn’t keep up, I was panting and I could feel a side stitch working up, I was going to lose the cat-baby. Suddenly, the baby started to hobble. Yes! I screamed and the blurry lines around me cleared. I was ...