The Search for Shimmy

I first met Shimmy in 2017. He had moved in with my grandma when his previous owner relocated elsewhere. He growled at me first and then became playful, like all good home dogs. He would keep my grandma company throughout the day while everyone was at work. But at 7 PM when the Angel bell of Victoria Church rang, he would howl. We figured he was remembering his older master. He was a good dog after all. I kept meeting him every time I visited Mahim. And each time I would visit - we had the same routine - he would growl at me at first and then become thick friends throughout the evening. He would come to see me off till the main road and then run back home. But in the Diwali of 2021, Shimmy ran away. Traumatised by the fireworks going off, he would often seek shelter elsewhere and return late at night. But this time he did not. For weeks, my cousin, aunts and uncle kept looking for him but to no avail. Then in January a friend of my aunt Hema casually showed her some photos ...