Community Policing and Self Defence: Tools against Urban Crime
Amidst Fukushima, 2G, Adarsh and CWG probes and amidst the Cricket World Cup, you might have missed the suitcase killer. Last week a suitcase containing a woman's dead body is discovered at Juhu Beach. The undergarments are missing and she is smothered. On Monday at around 2am, another suitcase is found at Sandhurst Road station. Inside lies the dead body of a 4 month pregnant woman clad in salwar kameez. Her undergarments are missing too and post mortem reports reveal that she had intercourse and died of strangulation. Both the incidents are similar except for one part. Rape. However, the modus operandi seems to be of similar nature. Both the women were in the age group of 24-25. The bodies have yet to be identified. Both the cases equally shock us. Source: Indian Express.
Several questions are raised about the security of women in the city. And if the cops don't manage to nab the killer(s) soon, the terror would spread. In such a scenario how do we react? Do we wait for the already overworked force to concentrate solely on this issue knowing that several law and order situations have to be dealt with also?(50000 cops for 1 crore citizens, go figure) Or do we restrict movements of our women? None can be done. The cops I am sure are working very hard on these particular cases but they could do with some help from the citizens.
Community Policing. A broad term that involves active Public-Police partnerships in solving local crimes. By keeping a vigil in the surrounding areas and alerting the authorities if any suspicious activity is spotted goes a long way in crime prevention. As a citizen of the city, the security of the people is shared not amongst the security agencies but also amongst the residents. What can you do?
1. Keep a watch, maintaining a vigil over your area of residence that you are familiar with will help in identifying any unusual activity that might occur
2. Use technology efficiently.
2. Inform the cops, 100 is the control room number, your identity is not revealed.
3. Do not intervene in matters that need to be dealt by a uniformed officials. Altercations, Fist Fights, Vandalism would not be the right way to deal with crime. Seeking help of the designated personnel is crucial.
4. Organize awareness drives and encourage other residents to follow the above methods.
Another reason why women especially are targeted is because they come across as vulnerable, soft targets. Several women suffer from a mental block and perceive themselves to be weak in times of such assaults. In case of an attack what should one do?
Defend Yourself
1. Remain calm, don't panic.
2. Attack. Target the groin. Kick hard, use your knee. Scratch. Target the eyes. Break. Fingers( not difficult, just a good grip and all the force you have)
3. Next, try escaping. Generally such an attack would shock the attacker, use this brief moment to run.
4. Carry Pepper Spray ( get it at First East 9223417699 Bandra or Defensive Enterprises 9323686552 Rs 150 thane or Chilli Powder.
If you think you are within someone's earshot, shout, scream. You never know what effect it could yield.
Other crucial things that all of us take for granted.
1. Always keep your phone charged.
2. Make sure there is balance for at least two phone calls.
3. Your close friends/family members know your location. Make sure you keep them updated every time you move, especially when travelling alone at nights and in unfamiliar areas.
4. Learn a new martial art, if nothing you'd at least be in good shape.
4. Believe. The strength to fight doesn't come from your muscles, it comes from within your mind. Be mentally very strong during such situations.
Thus Community Policing and Self Defence will go a long way in combating crime and increasing the internal security. This would not only curb the anti social elements significantly but also inculcate a sense of responsibility and duty amongst the citizens. I would be happy to know your thoughts and ideas.
Photo Courtesy: Internet
Several questions are raised about the security of women in the city. And if the cops don't manage to nab the killer(s) soon, the terror would spread. In such a scenario how do we react? Do we wait for the already overworked force to concentrate solely on this issue knowing that several law and order situations have to be dealt with also?(50000 cops for 1 crore citizens, go figure) Or do we restrict movements of our women? None can be done. The cops I am sure are working very hard on these particular cases but they could do with some help from the citizens.
Community Policing. A broad term that involves active Public-Police partnerships in solving local crimes. By keeping a vigil in the surrounding areas and alerting the authorities if any suspicious activity is spotted goes a long way in crime prevention. As a citizen of the city, the security of the people is shared not amongst the security agencies but also amongst the residents. What can you do?
1. Keep a watch, maintaining a vigil over your area of residence that you are familiar with will help in identifying any unusual activity that might occur
2. Use technology efficiently.
2. Inform the cops, 100 is the control room number, your identity is not revealed.
3. Do not intervene in matters that need to be dealt by a uniformed officials. Altercations, Fist Fights, Vandalism would not be the right way to deal with crime. Seeking help of the designated personnel is crucial.
4. Organize awareness drives and encourage other residents to follow the above methods.
Another reason why women especially are targeted is because they come across as vulnerable, soft targets. Several women suffer from a mental block and perceive themselves to be weak in times of such assaults. In case of an attack what should one do?
Defend Yourself
1. Remain calm, don't panic.
2. Attack. Target the groin. Kick hard, use your knee. Scratch. Target the eyes. Break. Fingers( not difficult, just a good grip and all the force you have)
3. Next, try escaping. Generally such an attack would shock the attacker, use this brief moment to run.
4. Carry Pepper Spray ( get it at First East 9223417699 Bandra or Defensive Enterprises 9323686552 Rs 150 thane or Chilli Powder.
If you think you are within someone's earshot, shout, scream. You never know what effect it could yield.
Other crucial things that all of us take for granted.
1. Always keep your phone charged.
2. Make sure there is balance for at least two phone calls.
3. Your close friends/family members know your location. Make sure you keep them updated every time you move, especially when travelling alone at nights and in unfamiliar areas.
4. Learn a new martial art, if nothing you'd at least be in good shape.
4. Believe. The strength to fight doesn't come from your muscles, it comes from within your mind. Be mentally very strong during such situations.
Thus Community Policing and Self Defence will go a long way in combating crime and increasing the internal security. This would not only curb the anti social elements significantly but also inculcate a sense of responsibility and duty amongst the citizens. I would be happy to know your thoughts and ideas.
Photo Courtesy: Internet
rushi... the bada bhai of the female race... :D
thank you... i wanted to know where to get pepper spray... :D
I know being vigilant isn't always possible but in the light of these incidents we cant help but make it a habit..